Welcome to Karen's Portfolio!

These are my works from digital 2D art, fall of 2024!

Project 1

This is project 1, where we explored the differences colors can make, specifically RGB vs CMYK. The first image was my RGB file where I created my own "murder board." We see how ever the color change of the "matcha spill" creates a different story than just a table of the things that make up me as a person.

Project 2

This is project 2, where we laser cut! I chose to do an outline of Sayles Hall that I created in Illustrator. I chose a piece of wood since I thought the fine lines of the building would look nice against the grain and inherent design of the wood.

Project 3

This is project 3, where we created books in InDesign. I created a blizzard book with poems you can pull out of it because I wanted to create a book with an interactive aspect. Images were stolen form pinterest, and some of the poems were stolen off a collection of websites as part of the assignment was to explore the idea of creating art that comes from something unoriginal. All of the poems are about romanticizing life, with mostly images of paintings. Here is a photo of the physical book I created, as well as the InDesign file I created in order to plan how the images would look inside of the book, as well as which order they should be in.

Final Project!

This is my final project where I chose to explore photoshop's timeline feature to animate a stop motion video. I took inspiration from the old-timey DMV videos that advise against drinking while driving to create something similar.

© Karen Chien 2024